Sunday, May 25, 2008

my research project

It was a wonderful experience for me.I am so happy to finshed my research paper ,even i found some difficult on it.It was the first research paper i did in English.

I found the most challenging part is to start thinking for a topic,collecting information,understand information,and making plan.It is very hard to write the first draft,then after the first draft the rest may become more easier.Writing a research paper in English is different from writing in my language ,which make it so challenging for me.In Arabic we do not need to format the information in our own world,we just collect the information and write it as it is.Moreover in English each source should reference clearly.

I will never forget this experience.It is very useful for me because it will help me allot in the fucher. IFeel satisfied with the final product of the research ,and i am worry about my oral presentation.I am working so hard on it.I hope to become very interesting for my class mate.


Ivy said...

You did a great job ...
You just like a expert ..haha
I am so proud of you ..
I can't image how can I study when I pregnant ...It is really hard ....You don't give up ...
I am so proud of you ..

Peng Ray said...

i am agree with what ivy said,
u did a great job,I hope u will have a great baby too in the nearly future!

Mey said...

Your baby learned a lot from this level, not just you Reem.
You are a super mum, super wife and super student. I will lean from you how to handle many things in one time. I really proud of you. You reminded me about my mum, I really miss her.
Take care Reem, I really welcome to see your baby..