Saturday, May 31, 2008

my research presentation

I finished my presentation last Thursday.I was the last one in my class.Being the last one make me nervous,because it make me me wary about my presentation for a long time,but the good thing that i have more time to prepare .During my presentation i was so wary about my grammer more than the information that i need to present.when i finished my presentation,i was so tired and i was waiting for the question.The thing was very surprised me that i did not receive any question from boy,s until i asked them if they have any question.Then one of them asked me one question.On the other hand i found that girls are very interested and they asked me many question which made me so happy.Any way every thing going well.


Right now tere are 6 billion people living on the earth .This means that our planet need to provide more resources such as food and shelter for people.Todat there are several problem that affect the world.Over population is a serious problem,it is growing every year,every minate,every second.It is the begest global problem facing the twenty first centry,because different reason.Most of the problem we have today,such as water and food shortages,air pollution,water pollution,and global warming which is the effect of over population.The more people in the world,means the more resources used and the more waste of this resources.We can do little to solve this problem.In my openion the majour solution to this problem is education.Education is very important for families.they should ues fammily planing program.Moreover goverment play a very important role.Every body need to work and help to solve this problem.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

my research project

It was a wonderful experience for me.I am so happy to finshed my research paper ,even i found some difficult on it.It was the first research paper i did in English.

I found the most challenging part is to start thinking for a topic,collecting information,understand information,and making plan.It is very hard to write the first draft,then after the first draft the rest may become more easier.Writing a research paper in English is different from writing in my language ,which make it so challenging for me.In Arabic we do not need to format the information in our own world,we just collect the information and write it as it is.Moreover in English each source should reference clearly.

I will never forget this experience.It is very useful for me because it will help me allot in the fucher. IFeel satisfied with the final product of the research ,and i am worry about my oral presentation.I am working so hard on it.I hope to become very interesting for my class mate.

The lecture about The education system in Canada


The lecture took place in a coffer shop on April 29-2008, from 7pm until 9pm.It was organized by the University of Street Café. The University creates gathering place for community member to achieve lifelong learning and engagement in the form of collective decision. It gives an opportunity for people who have different backgrounds on social knowledge to meet where all people are welcome. The guest in that evening was professor Noel Burke; he is the dean of Concordia University, new school of extended learning. He was invited to bring us over 30 years of distinguished work in education. However he works on serving numerous school board and education commission. Professor Noel has rich background in management, leader ship, and teaching .He shared his experience with us at school, he said” I didn’t really enjoy school as a kid so I got in to teaching to try making it more exiting and interesting for students”. The moderator of this lecture was Michel Gomel, an Israeli social worker. She supported her master in social work as fellow in the McGill Middle East program for civil society. She is interested in how we can influence and change the public system through several public lectures.

Professor Noel Burk gave lecture about the public education system in Montreal and if the public get any benefit from the education system. During the lecture he was relaxed and confident, he spook in an expressive and well organized way. First he started with an interesting background about him, then he told us the out line of the lecture, after that he presented his ideas about the education system .Finally he conclude his lecture by asking several question to the audience to give them opportunity to express their ideas. He welcomed to listen to any comment and to answer questions even when the lecture is finished .There were around 40 audience from age 18 to 75.They have different backgrounds such as educators, retired principles, and parent. They participated in the lecture by concentrating, taking note, and asking several questions. The lecture discussed several questions such as: Whose responsibility it is to educate children and youth? What happens when the government takes responsibility for our education? What does public education serves us? What it is lack? The lecture focused on how the people become a ware of our education system and haw they participate in school they want to engage in? The question period almost lasted for one hour.

The lecture discussed whether school public are a significant power or not.. In Montreal, from kindergarten to university most people get benefit from public education at some point in their lives. Public education system benefits for the public in the way of learning. Now people learn from their experiments more than books and after learning they continue to build the reality of the world based on the knowledge that they got from school. In the past the public education system was not benefit for the public, because they studied at home, they isolated from others, but now students are learning in public space which gives them social contact with others and this is the major benefit they can get from the public education .At the end of the lecture, professor Burk said that we need to change our education system to become transparent system. He concentrated on the importance of parent’s role, they can be so helpful .They need to know how their children learn and communicate in public. They should despite their children mark and concentrate in their learning skill they can get from school which is more important to be evolving in their life. The last half hour the audients discussed their comment with Professor Burk for example; we should let parents know about how the school play and progress and school should welcome parent. Teachers need to teach student how to think and process information.

Finally, the lecture was successful and gave me very important information about the public education which is very helpful for me as a parent. The lecture was in a very comfortable place, I felt like I am sitting in my neighborhood café, having a public conversation with friends. It was my first experience in participating in public lecture. I really like this kind of lecture and I hope to have the same activity in several public places in my country.